My riffs will be played assuming basic values of the artisan chocolate community: ethical sourcing, humane working conditions, economic justice, ecosystem preservation and so on. Reviews and commentary begin by informing consumers. It's not about writing ego-gratifying fluff pieces, just because you like chocolate. It isn't about scoring snide take-down points. It isn't about making yourself look clever at the expense of other people's livelihoods. It's about advancing the craft. If no one's learning something, reviewers, commentators and assorted big mouths, haven't done their jobs. These are just gossip columnists with a predilection for chocolate. I promise riffs with more take-away. If I can get you to laugh, that's fine. But it won't be at some little guy's expense.
Fair enough! You should ask me. Who am I to riff on chocolate? So, let me introduce myself. I started out training as a taster and reviewer of dark chocolate in 2006 with one of the fussiest noses around--Mark Christian of the C-spot® ( Ten years of experience with Mark as my mentor and the C-spot as my training ground. Even before the C-spot® was launched. And before that, as you'll see in my book, it seemed I was destined to taste. It's been a fascinating journey, and you can read more about it in my newly released book Deep Tasting: A Chocolate Lover's Guide to Meditation. Please visit my author page and check out my book on